Island Autism Program Entrance Criteria

Island Autism is a private special education camp for autistic children. Students must meet the following criteria:

  • Classification. Eligible for an educational disability classification of autism and intellectual disabilities.
  • Intelligence. Below average (borderline) to average intelligence with areas of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Language/Communication deficits
  • Social Functioning support needed
  • Behavior issues associated with autism and sensory difficulty

Referral: Students can be referred by their school district to Admissions.  Parents can also inquire directly. In all cases families are invited to fill out an inquiry form.

  • Inquiry form submitted and entrance criteria are established.
  • IA will send a link to application
  • Application is submitted and admissions assess suitability of the program for the applicant
  • In some cases a meeting and screening will be performed in order to further assess suitability.
  • Finance discussion. If a family is unable to meet the tuition cost, the IAC admissions team will determine need and assistance and a scholarship will be awarded if deemed necessary.
  • IA will notify the family of the status of the application.
  • Occasionally we are at capacity for an age group and will place qualified applicants on our waitlist.

Island Autism is a private Instructional Care Camp specifically for people with Autism
and Autism related disorders. We are structured around movement and vestibular
stimulation. Our programming is not right for all people and we reserve the right to
decline admission to anyone who we feel will not benefit or who does not meet our
entrance criteria.

The Admissions Committee reviews and determines admission.